Sunday, November 8, 2009

Webpage design analysis

In my view, a presentable and reader-friendly web page should be simple, clean-cut, and organized. So far, of many ads, magazines, and web pages I have rhetorically observed, the educational theme captures my attention as it displays in most cases the former characteristics. I observed community colleges schedule of classes, catalogs, web pages, but analyzed more carefully their home pages and messages from the presidents of the colleges.

All the educational promotions I analyzed carefully contain the following three similarities: 1) COLOR scheme consist of solid colors: black, white, blue, grey, etc. Perhaps these colors show a neutral and serious attitude. At least from an academic standpoint, taking a serious academic approach is safe to gain the viewers/students attention and trust…so this makes sense! 2) Few PHOTOGRAPHS unfortunately...More visuals would attract the younger generation who are seeking to transition into colleges because picture simply appeal to them. 3) TEXT is formatted in an old-fashioned format. Key words are bolded, but there are not any other original, playful approaches to text. I would have liked to see different approaches to text and format. Hopefully, I can do so on my webpage—probably easier said than done.

These layout features provide me a better understanding of educational webpage persuasion and will assist me in the layout of my website.

1 comment:

  1. Hi this is Kimberly Dayot. As i read your topic about Webpage design analysis, i quite frankly agree how you interact on how they design their colleges schedule of classes, catalogs, web pages etc... It's plain and boring for younger students. I know that for sure because I am a student. But I think they use the old fashion way to make it look serious and formal. Too much colors might attract younger students and probably be interested but also we don't want students to be interested just because of the layout, we want students to be determine to the class and to be interested in what they are taking. That is how I see it.

    Thank you.
