Thursday, October 22, 2009

Are Visuals in Essays Necessary/Helpful?

In Words are the Ultimate Abstraction, Robert Watkins states, "multimodality and visual rhetoric are emerging genres of which compositionists should take note". True to every extent! More than ever, in our advance technological era, our population is accustomed to visuals, which surround us everywhere through ads, computers, television, and so on. Therefore, permitting visuals in essays or making visual analysis a standard genre of academia becomes necessary.

A picture says a million words, right? As seen with advertisement, one simple picture can persuade us to purchase something or a charismatic image can convince us to follow a certain direction. My point is that visual literacy is yet another form of communication, so it is essential to acquire visual rhetoric skills in order to become an effective communicator....sooooo....the answer to my title is "yes".

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