Saturday, October 10, 2009

TWWC: Blackmon

What about Blackmon's real world becomes the newest "ghettos" when technology is this possible? I think it is...Blackmon voiced a valid concern regarding technology deprevation (p.96). With all the useful information and the facilitations that technology provides, more and more we become dependant of it. People who don't like or understand technology lose out on the perks and connectedness to the rest of the world. To prove to this point, just think about the job market: a big percentage of companies now days require an online application. If one doesn't associate with computers and e-mailing, the job opportunity is gone. On the other hand, the tech savvy will have a better shot. So, from this sense, the non-technology individual becomes alienated and restricted from advancement, forming communities of technology ghettos.

Blackmon voices an actual possibility.

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