Saturday, December 12, 2009

Technologies in First-Year Writing

According to Claire Lutkewitte,"In order to be prepared for writing in the academy and beyond, college students must be able to both understand and produce texts using web 2.0 technologies",which I totally agree with. These technologies are essential for first year writing students, each offering them a distinct and innovative way of communicating.

1. Google--the world famous search engine, a powerhouse in cyberworld, allows you to browse and find preety much any information that you need without any ads.

2. Youtube--millions of mini-videos across the world, ranging from personal to educational videos, are posted in this website; it links us all instantaneously. There is a world of communication opportunities theough youtube.

3. Facebook--a socializing network website, where you personilize a webpage. There are millions of facebook users. Currently, it is the seventh most used website in the world. Wow!

4. MySpace --essentially, it has the same purpose and fuction as Facebook, mostly used, however, by a younger crowd.

To get a thorough description of these technologies, here the link to Claire Lutkewitte's website:

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